The Walnut Festival

Event date from: 08-11-2024 to: 10-11-2024

In the fraction of Cavrasto, at Bleggio, takes place the Walnutfestival, which celebrates the famers traditions of Trentino. In particular, in November the walnut of Bleggio is celebrated. That typical autumn fruit is also considered as a Slow Food Presidia. Since the 16th century this fruit is cultivated and still today it is collected with the hands. 

From 2017 there is the “Walnut trail”, a walk in the surroundings of Bleggio, from Santa Croce along the alleys of the farmer villages, through the country streets, the fields and the small local companies.

More info

APT Terme di Comano - Dolomiti di Brenta
Tel: +39 0465 702626,
info @

Hotel Bleggio Superiore and environs