MIG - International Exhibition of Artisan Gelato

Event date from: 24-11-2024 to: 27-11-2024

Once again this year, from 24 to 27 November, there will be the important International Exhibition of Artisan Gelato - abbreviated MIG - at Longarone Fiere Dolomiti, in the Belluno area. This event brings together all the best ice cream makers in the world and will also be an opportunity for meetings on the problems faced by ice cream makers all over the world.

The first exhibition dates back to 1959. Initially, it was an occasion for ice-cream makers from Zoldo and the Cadore region to meet, returning to their homes after a season spent abroad selling ice cream. Over the years, the exhibition has grown, gathering ice cream makers from all over the world.

MIG 2024 will be an exhibition for operators only. For all four days, only business owners and their employees will be allowed to enter the exhibition, so that presentations and negotiations can take place in a traditionally sober environment.

Hotel Longarone and environs