Mountain bike itineraries: Lavarone Plateau

Staring point: Parco Palù
Arriving point: Parco Palù
Difficulty: easy

The wonderful Lavarone Lake, a particularly relaxing resort, lies about 45 km from Trent. This itineray starts in the vicinity of Cappella, near Palù Park (1165 m above sea-level).Quite easily, one can reach Oseli, Masi di Sotto and, going on, Lavarone Lake.
Continuing, one descends to Pra di Sopra, goes round the southern side of Mount Rust and gets to Carbonare. Those who wish to carry on can reach, through the Elbere elevation, the Austro-Hungarian Headquarters in Virti (12 km) and, cycling a little further, the hamlets Stengheli, Bertoli and Slaghenaufi (15,7 km). Once up at the Military Cemetery, one takes the gravel road of Tablat and Cost Pass and, descending towards Belvedere Fort, gets to the starting point.

Hotel Lavarone and environs