Mountain bike itineraries: Folgaria Plateau

Staring point: Folgaria 
Arriving point:Folgaria

About thirty km from Trent, on the Folgaria Plateau, our mountain bike route starts. Following the main route, after more or less thirty km one reaches "Malga Seconde Poste"(Alpine hut). From here, through a demanding up and down way and a long series of steps, one continues towards "Forte Cherle"(fort). Subsequently, near the "Scala dell'Imperatore"(emperor's stairs), one takes the forestal road of Val Fredda (towards Folgaria).

In the Val Fredda area there are the ruins of the old Military Hospital; they were brought to light after the 1986 excavations to build the "Sentiero della Pace" (trail of peace).

Hotel Folgarida-Dimaro and environs